Thursday, June 28, 2012

Camp Tejas

For the first time ever, I had the opportunity to be a camp counselor. What an experience! For 4 nights I got to experience an amazing time with 400 high school students from our church. So my cabin had 18 freshmen divided between 2 counselors. I had my son (Griffin) and 8 other young men. When Amy first asked/told me I was going to be his counselor, my first reaction was NO. Four nights in Giddings, TX at Camp Tejas with wild, smelly, energetic, and loud teenagers...can’t they find someone else? Well, no they couldn’t and it was one of the best experiences of my year. Coach John Valenzuela and Pastor Chris Emmitt were our speakers and it was AMAZING! Let me say if you are not aware of the struggles that our teenagers are going through in the age of facebook, youtube, instagram and twitter, you need to “check-in” and get in the zone. Coach Val will be teaching the same series he taught at camp for the next 4 weeks at his service at CBC. Please come if you want to be changed. If you want to experience what our kids experienced, you need to come. This newsletter may not make it to you in time for the first lesson, but don’t worry, the remaining 3 will be well worth it.

Now, in addition to the great teaching at camp, I got to experience some great fun!

1. Trapeze into the water

2. Zip line into the water

3. 100 ft. inflatable slide at 100 mph into the water (well maybe that’s exaggerated)

4. Zip line (normal)

5. Kayaking & Canoeing

6. Mud games

7. Soccer (with milk jugs)

8. Capture the flag (on a wet & muddy field)

9. Et Cetera, Et Cetera, Etc.

*Note: If you are 41 and you think you are 18, you are not. Attempting #1, #3, #6, and #8 may prove harmful to your health and overall well-being. #1 & #3 may break your arm and/or ribs, #6 may do both including being hunted down & tackled in the mud by senior football players.

With all that said...Camp Tejas was awesome! I am so glad I went and I’m going again next year.

For info on “Training With Coach Val” or the camp series, call or text me at 210-307-7328

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